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Govt launches migration compact taskforce to ensure safe migration

UNB . Dhaka
05 Jul 2022 20:42:55 | Update: 05 Jul 2022 21:47:23
Govt launches migration compact taskforce to ensure safe migration
— UNB Photo

The government has launched the Migration Compact Taskforce which aims to facilitate the implementation, follow-up, and review of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).

The task force will provide a platform to ensure full support and cooperation from all relevant stakeholders through a ‘whole of government’ approach.

Senior government officials and officials from participant United Nations agencies of the Bangladesh United Nationals Network on Migration (BDUNNM) were present at the launch event held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday.

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Migration is a global reality. There are an estimated 281 million international migrants worldwide who, sometimes, find themselves in vulnerable situations in their countries of origin and destination.

Towards there is a responsibility to ensure that migration is safe, orderly, and regular as these migrants, sometimes, find themselves in vulnerable situations in their countries of origin and destination, said a press release.

In 2018, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) was adopted and became the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, covering all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Following up on the commitment of the GoB and with the support of the BDUNNM, a recommendation was put forward for the formation of an inter-ministerial coordination mechanism to lead and support the implementation, monitoring, and review process of GCM.

The launch of the Taskforce marks an important step in reiterating this commitment from the government while recognising the continued efforts of Bangladesh as a Champion GCM country.

Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen said Bangladesh has consistently pursued the issue of migration as a top priority in its diplomatic engagements at the bilateral, regional, and multilateral levels.

"We would remain committed, despite the difficulties experienced in the last two years and more, to meaningfully deliver on our recognised role as a ‘Champion Country’ for the Global Compact for Migration (GCM)."

Gwyn Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh, said, "The Government of Bangladesh has not only recognised migration as a development tool, it has also included it in its development planning showcasing this through the mainstreaming of migration in the 8th Five-year Plan.

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This Taskforce is another step forward in our joint efforts to ensure the safety, dignity, and human rights of all migrants and effectively govern migration.”

The United Nations (UN) established a UN Network on Migration at the global level to ensure effective, timely, and coordinated UN system-wide support to the Member States in their implementation, follow-up, and review of the GCM.

Abdusattor Esoev, IOM Bangladesh’s Chief of Mission and Coordinator of the BDUNNM, stressed that "migration provides immense opportunity and benefits – for migrants, host communities and communities of origin. However, when poorly regulated, it can create significant challenges. The GCM leverages the overall benefits of migration while addressing its risks and challenges for individuals and communities. BDUNNM commits to working closely with the Taskforce to support the implementation of the GCM in Bangladesh."

The taskforce is co-chaired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare & Overseas Employment, and will lead the formulation of the implementation plan for GCM; communicate and promote GCM implementation to stakeholders; recommend harmonisation and alignment of activities to avoid duplication and encourage complementarities in programming; plan and lead capacity building initiatives; facilitate coordination between ministries and agencies; facilitate submissions of joint advocacy positions; and lead the review and reporting on GCM implementation progress and include a follow-up mechanism.

The BDUNNM will provide support to the Taskforce in all its activities.
