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Hasan Mahmud seeks support for Palestinians, Rohingyas

Staff Correspondent
20 Jan 2024 16:12:59 | Update: 21 Jan 2024 10:42:04
Hasan Mahmud seeks support for Palestinians, Rohingyas
— Courtesy Photo

Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud leading the Bangladesh delegation in the 19th NAM Summit called for peaceful settlement of disputes and promotion of a culture of peace.

Speaking at the 19th NAM Summit in Kampala, Uganda on Saturday, he referred to the statement of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the NAM Summit in Algiers in 1973.

The minister highlighted that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is carrying forward Bangabandhu’s legacy of peace, development and human rights with courage and determination.

— Courtesy Photo

The minister reiterated Bangladesh’s unwavering support for the oppressed people of Palestine and demanded justice for them. He urged the world community to stand with Palestinians and use all tools available to support their cause.

He also urged all concerned to redouble efforts to ensure a sustainable solution to the Rohingya issue.

The Foreign Minister underscored the need for a constructive and non-confrontational dialogue approach to promote peaceful, just and inclusive societies.

This two-day Summit, inaugurated on Friday by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni as the new Chair of the movement, is expected to adopt the outcome document, Kampala Declaration and a declaration on Palestine.

Sideline meeting with Myanmar FM

On the sideline of NAM Summit Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud held a series of separate bilateral talks with Myanmar, Nepal, Botswana, Belarus, Qatar and Indonesia

The foreign minister held meeting with his counterparts of Myanmar, Nepal, Botswana and Belarus—Than Swe, Narayan Prakash Saud, Lemogang Kwape and Sergei Aleinik—respectively.

Hasan Mahmud discussed Rohingya repatriation and other issues of importance between the two countries with Myanmar Foreign Minister Than Swe.

During the meeting with Myanmar foreign minister, Mahmud discussed on Rohingya repatriation apart from other bilateral issues, reports BSS.

Besides, during a busy day in Kampala, Foreign Minister has also been called on by State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikh and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia Pahala Nugraha Mansury.

Mahmud’s counterparts congratulated the new government in Bangladesh and, particularly, him for assuming his new role.

The foreign minister discussed various issues of mutual interests including political, economic and strengthening people-to-people relations.

He is set to have a few more bilateral engagements on Saturday and Sunday.

Haasan is leading the Bangladesh delegation to the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) scheduled on January 19-20 and the Third South Summit of the G77 and China scheduled on January 21-22.

Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen, Bangladesh Permanent Representative to the UN Muhammad A Muhith and Bangladesh High Commissioner to Kenya and Uganda Muhammad Tareque, among others, are accompanying the foreign minister.
