The High Court on Wednesday rejected the bail petition of BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir in a case filed over vandalising the Chief Justice's (CJ) residence on October 28 during the party's grand rally.
The HC bench of Justice Md Salim and Justice Shahed Nuruddin passed the order after hearing a rule.
Advocate Joynul Abedin, Fakhrul's lawyer, said the decision to file an appeal will be taken after discussion.
Deputy Attorney General BM Abdur Ruffel represented the state.
Earlier on December 7, 2023, the High Court issued a rule asking the government to explain why Fakhrul should not be granted bail in the case. The government was asked to respond to the rule within a week.
On December 17, the High Court set January 3 for hearing on the rule.
On October 29, 2023, police filed a case with Ramna Police Station on charges of vandalism and attack on the Chief Justice's residence during a BNP rally on October 28. Fakhrul was arrested in the case on October 29 and has been in jail since then.