Renowned jewellery designer and entrepreneur Niharika Momtaz unveiled her latest collection, "Heritage Treasures," at the Luxe Eid Exhibition in Chattogram on March 22.
Comprising 16 meticulously crafted pieces, the collection pays homage to the architectural marvels of the UAE and Bangladesh, blending design innovation with cultural heritage.
Inspired by the intricate patterns and forms found in these landscapes, Momtaz's collection captures the essence of architectural simplicity while reflecting the enduring link between the past and the future.
The jewellery pieces were born from motifs, doors, and windows observed in these regions, crafted by skilled artisans of the Indian subcontinent.
Reflecting on her inspiration, Momtaz said, "My early fascination with the graceful allure of architecture revealed to me its enduring link between the past and the future. Like jewellery, architecture embodies permanence, simplicity, and everlasting allure, making it an ideal wellspring of inspiration."
She emphasised the significance of architecture in contemporary design, likening it to the resilient foundations of buildings that withstand the erosion of time.
Momtaz highlighted the diverse architectural languages found in every nation and metropolis, each weaving a vibrant tapestry of unique tales.