Shakil Ahmed, the sacked chief news editor of private channel Ekattor Television and chief reporter and presenter Farzana Rupa of the same channel have been detained from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.
The husband and wife duo was detained by immigration authorities on Wednesday.
Sources say following their detention, the couple was handed over to the Detective Branch of police. They have been shown arrested in a case filed with Uttara East Police Station.
They were trying to travel to Paris from Dhaka on Turkish Airlines flight TK-713 through Istanbul. But the immigration police did not allow them to go abroad as the duo did not have clearance from SB.
Back on August 8, a notice signed by Mustafa Azad on behalf of the Ekattor Television managing director stated that as per the decision of Ekattor TV management head of news Shakil Ahmed and his wife principal correspondent and presenter Farzana Rupa have been terminated effective immediately.