Bangladesh Economic Zones (Amendment) Bill, 2023 was passed on Monday in Jatiya Sangsad to facilitate establishment of economic zone in the country in partnership with other countries on a government-to-government basis (G2G).
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Muzammel Huq moved the bill which was unanimously passed by voice votes in the House with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.
Under the new law, establishment of economic zones for information and communication technology (ICT) industries would be allowed within the city corporation, municipality and cantonment board areas.
The provision of the existing law will be relaxed. The existing law restricts establishment of economic zones within the city corporation, municipality and cantonment board areas.
The necessity of incorporating the provision was found while several developed countries offered Bangladesh to invest in specialised economic zones that would be established on a G2G basis.
The new law will facilitate establishment of such economic zones in the country.