“July Shaheed Smriti Foundation” has been formed with the Chief Adviser of the interim government Dr Muhammad Yunus as its President and Shaheed Mir Mugdho's twin brother Mir Mahbubur Rahman Snigdho as secretary.
Information and Broadcasting Adviser Nahid Islam made this announcement at the secretariat on Thursday afternoon.
Besides, a seven-member executive council has been formed for this foundation.
Advisers Nahid Islam, Asif Mahmud Sajeeb Bhuiyan, Noorjahan Begum and Sharmeen Murshid were among the members.
Kazi Waqar Ahmed was made the treasurer considering his skills, Nahid added.
Fourteen more general members will be included in this foundation.
Apart from this, the memorial event will be held based on the list of martyrs made by the Ministry of Health. As the enlisting work is still going on, there will be no memorial programme 14th September, he said.
So far we have a list of 728 martyrs from the Ministry of Health. They are being contacted. Besides, 20,263 people were injured.
“According to various unofficial sources, there is a list of 800 martyrs, which is being verified. Deputy Commissioners have also been instructed to prepare the list. "Hopefully, we will get a final list by next Sunday," he added.
Regarding the budget of the martyrs memorial meeting, Nahid said a budget of Tk 5 crore has been allotted for this event. That does not mean that all money will be spent here and the cost will be much less, he added.