Amid widespread criticism and social media uproar over his son’s purchase of a goat worth Tk 15 lakh before Eid-ul-Azha, Md Matiur Rahman, president of the National Board of Revenue’s (NBR) Customs, Excise, and VAT Appellate Tribunal, has been removed from his post and shifted to the Internal Resources Division of the Ministry of Finance.
According to a media release signed by Mokima Begum, Deputy Secretary of the Finance Ministry, the decision to move Matiur from NBR will take effect soon.
Allegations of amassing illegal wealth surfaced after a video went viral showing Matiur’s son, Mushfiqur Rahman Ifat, buying a goat for Tk 15 lakh. Matiur has since faced severe criticism over claims of acquiring illegal wealth amounting to thousands of crores in Bangladesh, with alleged investments in Singapore, the United States, Canada, and the UAE.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has formed a committee to investigate these allegations.