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President, PM reaffirm continued support with Palestinians

BSS . Dhaka
28 Nov 2023 21:38:48 | Update: 28 Nov 2023 22:03:36
President, PM reaffirm continued support with Palestinians
President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina — File Photo

President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday firmly reaffirmed Bangladesh's continued support and solidarity with the people and government of Palestine.

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian

People, the President and the Prime Minister issued separate messages urging the international community and humanitarian organisations to work together to ensure a dignified life for the Palestinian people in their sovereign motherland.

"On the solemn occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian people, I firmly reaffirm Bangladesh's continued support and solidarity to the people and government of Palestine," the president said in his message.

He said that Bangladesh as an independent nation always believes in freedom, peace and democracy.

"We are also the largest contributing country in UN peacekeeping mission," he added.

The president believed that war cannot bring peace but rather destruction and human rights violations.

Bangladesh has unwavering support towards the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people of self-determination and establishment of the State of Palestine based on a two-state solution, he said.

Bangladesh never supports the violation of human rights anywhere in the world, he said, adding: "We always follow the ideology of secularism and peace guided by our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the principles enshrined in our constitution."

"The people of Bangladesh would remain devoted to the solidarity of Palestinian brothers and sisters, who have been deprived of their legitimate rights of self-determination for more than 56 years," he continued.

Bangladesh strongly condemns the continued atrocities and bombing at the residential areas and hospitals of Gaza causing the death and injury of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians, including women, children, and elderly persons, and the systematic gross violations of human rights against the Palestinian people, he said.

"We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Palestine as a whole," he said.

"We believe in a peaceful solution to every crisis through dialogue. Bangladesh always stands by the people and the government of Palestine," he said.

The President urged upon the international community and humanitarian organisations to work in a body for humanity, justice and righteousness.

"Let us work for the Palestinian people to give them a safe, fearless and dignified life in their sovereign motherland," he hoped.

In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said: "On the solemn occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Bangladesh joins the international community in reaffirming its unwavering support towards the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people of self-determination and establishment of the State of Palestine based on a two-state solution with pre-1967 borders and East Jerusalem as its Capital."

She said Bangladesh has always supported the just struggle of the oppressed people against imperialism, colonialism or racialism all over the world.

"Our firm commitment is guided by our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and principles enshrined in our national constitution. The people of Bangladesh would remain steadfast in expressing their solidarity with their Palestinian brothers and sisters, who have been deprived of their legitimate rights of self-determination for more than fifty-six years," she said.

Bangladesh reiterates its utter condemnation of ruthless killings of innocent civilians including women and children and indiscriminate bombings on the protected facilities such as refugee camps, schools, hospitals and religious sites in Gaza, she added.

"The current war waged by Israel in Gaza targeting the civilians is tantamount to collective punishment of Palestinian people and flagrant violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws by Israel," the premier said.

She further said that Bangladesh demands an end to brutalities by Israel and a complete ceasefire.

"Bangladesh regrets that Israel continues to enjoy impunity despite its disregard and violation of human rights and international humanitarian law," she continued.

"We strongly believe that the people of Palestine deserve justice and remedy, which can only be done by securing a just solution for these people living under continued occupation, including their inalienable rights to self-determination," she said.

"We also believe that implementation of the relevant numerous UN resolutions, the Quartet Road Map, the terms of reference of the Madrid Peace Conference, the Arab Peace Initiative and the efforts made by several UN Member States is critical to reviving the Middle East Peace Process and achieving a permanent, peaceful and just solution to the issue of Palestine," she said.

The premier urged the international community to work together for effective and decisive actions and step up the efforts to restore the legitimate rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people to live in safety, stability and dignity in a sovereign homeland.
