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User-friendly experience must for impacting travel tech industry

12 Oct 2023 21:36:10 | Update: 13 Oct 2023 05:30:24
User-friendly experience must for impacting travel tech industry

Sadia Haque, co-founder and CEO of ShareTrip with experiences in communication at Grameenphone, BBC World Service Trust, Nokia, and Banglalink, in an exclusive interview with The Business Post’s Hamimur Rahman Waliullah shares her leadership role in establishing ShareTrip as the leading and largest Online Travel Agency in Bangladesh despite Covid and other challenges. Under her helm, the company is working with Startup Bangladesh Limited to completely digitse the travel ecosystem in the country.

ShareTrip has become a well-known name among travellers in the country. What inspired you to create such a platform?

My husband and I share a deep passion for traveling. We’ve embarked on numerous journeys together, meticulously planning and organising every detail ourselves. Over time, our friends and family began turning to us for vacation planning assistance, which planted the seed for ShareTrip.

As avid travellers, we were acutely aware of the challenges associated with trip planning. Additionally, we often had to rely on international platforms for bookings and other travel necessities. This led us to envision something for our fellow Bangladeshis, and thus, ShareTrip was born. Today, we have a dedicated team working tirelessly to digitise our country’s travel sector. Reflecting on our journey thus far and our commitment to further revolutionize the industry continues to drive us forward.

Our unwavering passion for travel, from the very beginning to our future aspirations, motivates us to achieve great things through ShareTrip.

Could you share some key challenges that you faced along the way, and how you overcame them? How has ShareTrip been adapting to the changing travel landscapes, especially during times of uncertainty, like the Covid-19 pandemic?

Operating in an offline-dominated industry was a major challenge, mainly during the initial years of launching ShareTrip, as gaining trust and convincing travellers to shift to online platforms was tough. Then came the pandemic, posing an even greater challenge with safety concerns and movement restrictions causing reduced travel.

To address these challenges, ShareTrip prioritised safety by complying with stringent safety protocols. We also introduced flexible booking options, such as free cancellations and rescheduling, to ease travellers’ concerns during uncertainties. Our enhanced refund policies further demonstrated our commitment to customer well-being. We prioritised transparent communication, keeping customers informed with real-time updates on travel advisories and safety measures. Efficient collaborations with hotels, airlines, and health organisations were pivotal in ShareTrip’s way forward, allowing us to offer exclusive deals and access to real-time travel data.

Despite all challenges, ShareTrip has always been committed to meeting customer needs, which mainly guided our decision-making. We listened to customer feedback, adapted our services, and remained dedicated to innovation. 

In your opinion, what differentiates ShareTrip from other players in the online travel ecosystem? Is there any memorable success story you would like to share? 

ShareTrip sets itself apart in the online travel ecosystem through its strong reliance on cutting-edge technology and a steadfast commitment to effective communication. Unlike many other players who use off-the-shelf technologies, ShareTrip has taken a unique and meticulous approach. We’ve built our tech infrastructure from the ground up, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our users, whether they are B2B agents, regular consumers, or hotel owners. By understanding the specific requirements of these stakeholders, we’ve developed industry-standard services that prioritise their needs, allowing us to shine in a competitive marketplace.

One remarkable success story that I take great pride in is our initiative to onboard 6,000 B2B agents during the challenging times of the pandemic. This effort indirectly benefited 10,000 individuals across the country, showcasing ShareTrip’s resilience and its ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

Furthermore, ShareTrip has consistently pursued innovation, evolving from being Bangladesh’s first OTA to becoming a multifaceted player in the broader travel and lifestyle industry. Our journey has not been solely about business growth; we are equally focused on contributing to the overall development of the travel ecosystem in Bangladesh. With support and funding from Startup Bangladesh Limited, the flagship venture capital company of the ICT Division, we’ve shared our insights across the industry, elevating the standards of convenience and service quality.

ShareTrip is not just a business; we see ourselves as active contributors to the growth and advancement of the entire travel ecosystem in Bangladesh.

From the prestigious Kotler Award to the most recent Women of Inspiration award, you have received a number of accolades for the incredible contributions you have made in the industry, through ShareTrip. As a co-founder, how do you envision ShareTrip in the future? And, what role do you think technology plays in this journey of shaping the travel ecosystem?

Receiving accolades like the Kotler Award and the Women of Inspiration award has been incredibly humbling and motivating. These recognitions highlight the hard work and dedication of the entire ShareTrip team in reshaping the travel industry. Looking to the future, I envision ShareTrip continuing to be a trailblazer in this travel ecosystem through technological innovation and customer-centric excellence.

Hence, our efforts are dedicated to elevating customer experiences to newer heights. We invest significantly in research and development, driving advancements across our offerings. Our goal is not only to meet but exceed customer expectations, providing a comprehensive suite of travel products.

Additionally, we are dedicated to putting Bangladesh firmly on the world map as a premier travel destination. We aspire to showcase our country’s rich cultural and natural beauty to the global audience, making it a must-visit destination.

Technology is the major driver of our journey, playing a pivotal role in shaping the travel ecosystem. It empowers us to offer cutting-edge services and adapt to ever-evolving customer needs. Innovations like Mobile Recharge have been an exciting enhancement to our services, significantly enhancing the day-to-day user experience. We have successfully improved the customer experience within the travel industry. Now, our goal is to bring our innovative approach to other verticals, with a focus on providing lifestyle benefits for our customers.

As we move forward, ShareTrip will continue to sustain industry leadership through innovation and adaptability. We’re not focused on short-term success but committed to contributing to the Smart Bangladesh vision. With the help of technology, ShareTrip’s future involves expanding its presence globally, connecting travelers with even more diverse and unique destinations.

Is there anything you would like to say to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to leave a mark within the travel tech industry? 

Of course! As someone with dreams of making an impact in the travel tech industry, the primary thing to always remember is that businesses are fundamentally about people. Begin your journey by understanding your customers deeply. Take the time to uncover their needs, desires, and pain points. Your customers are what guide you; their insights will navigate you throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

Moreover, in this digital age, it is vital to prioritise user experience above all else. The seamless and enjoyable interaction of your customers with your platform is not a luxury—it’s the very foundation of your success. A user-friendly experience is essential.

Also, data is your most potent weapon. Use it wisely to make informed decisions and continuously improve your services. The insights you gain from data can be transformative, shaping the course of your business. Another important thing to always remember is to be prepared for plans to change. Challenges are inevitable, and resilience is important. While it may be tempting to move fast and break things in the beginning, remember that your decisions should consider the long-term consequences.

Building a meaningful presence in the travel tech industry demands persistence and patience. Stay committed to your vision, even in the face of adversity. Passion is your driving force, but it must be accompanied by dedication and action to bring about positive change. As you drive yourself toward your passion in the travel tech industry, you must strive to make a positive impact while keeping in mind that success requires thoughtful planning, user-centricity, resilience, and a deep commitment to your customers and your vision.
