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There are three phases of life that we all constantly cycle between – the pushing phase, the overdoing phase, and the relaxation phase.
Pushing yourself or taking it slow may depend on which of the phases you find yourself in. Let’s examine the phases in detail.
You feel excited about your life, environment, and things in general. You are stepping out of your comfort zone, which many people find hard to do. And this action is also paying off as you are growing.
In this phase, your momentum is high and you may experience exhaustion after using your energy on tasking activities.
At this stage, you are taking more tasks than you can handle. You are saying ‘yes’ to every task dole at you. You can’t say ‘no’. You might even be tense because you feel you miss deadlines on the project.
This is the phase that precedes burnout. Life becomes overwhelming, so this stage requires adequate management.
It’s time to reflect and regain your balance. If you have been overdoing it while pushing yourself, it is time to rest.
Here is when you ask salient questions such as: am I satisfied with this job? Am I working in line with my core values? Am I happy in my relationship?’ So, what’s the right phase to be in? The truth is there is none.
It is easier to stay in a more comfortable zone than to dare or explore new frontiers. Meanwhile, not pushing yourself will deny you personal growth, professional or business opportunities, as well as life experiences.
So, here are tips to get you out of your cocoon. Don’t forget to start with the hardest part.
Take that first step
What you need to get started is that first step. It may not be easy at first. Nothing comes easy as well. The first day at work is boring, the same as going to the gym. But when you continually build your stamina, your motion will become easier. Take the first step to achieve your dream!
Inspire yourself
Don’t wait for extrinsic motivation to make the first move. Discover your inner motivation! It could be a motivational video, TED Talks, Lifehack articles, riverside, or a walk in the park. Ensure it is something that drives you to take action. Inspiration is a motivational tool to help you push yourself.
Create your environment
You need the right environment to succeed and make good choices. It is better to read at your desk than to read on your bed. If you want to stay healthier and fit, put healthier foods and water closer to you. Avoid junk and exercise your muscles daily.
Visualize the next level
What would it look like to be happily married, successful in your business and career, and touching lives? Visualize those dreams!
Visualization will enable you to focus more on your goals and achieve success. It will help you know where you want to be and what you need to do to get there.
Do what scares you
Ask yourself when you are taking on new projects: Does this task scares me? If yes, then do it! That’s how you face your fear and win. See every difficult task as a frog, then eat the frog!
Work on your weaknesses
There are self-imposed limits, and most of them are products of our weaknesses. It could be bad habits, poor self-esteem, or physical limitation. Weaknesses make a big mountain look unsurmountable, and they can limit you in achieving the success you desired. You can turn your weaknesses into strengths.