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Difference between a job and a career

14 May 2022 00:00:00 | Update: 14 May 2022 00:48:57
Difference between a job and a career

While jobs and careers both enable us to earn enough money to support ourselves and our families, they do not mean the same thing. It is important to know whether you’re looking for a job or for a career to plan your professional goals. This article will explain the difference between a job and a career, how one can affect the other and how to turn a job into a career.

What is a job?

A job is work you perform to earn money to support your basic needs. It can be full-time or part-time and may be short-term. You might earn an hourly wage or a set paycheck rather than a salary with benefits. You might need to learn certain skills connected with that role, but not all jobs require a specialized degree or advanced training.

Companies expect their employees to perform their individual jobs in exchange for regular payment and to be responsible for the duties laid out for them. You can also define a job as a short- or long-term contract between an employer and a worker. For instance, a company hires a local contractor to complete an office renovation job. They agree upon payment terms, and the job ends once the project is complete.

What is a career?

A career is a long-term professional journey you may determine based on your passions. It is the path you embark upon to fulfill your professional goals and ambitions. You may require a certain level of education or training to achieve these goals. Individuals pursuing careers often have set salaries with benefits such as stock options, retirement plans, pensions and bonuses. They also gain benefits beyond money, such as personal pride, work satisfaction and self-worth.

A career might last for your entire life. You could hold numerous jobs under many employers in your chosen industry that you progress through during your career.

Jobs make up your career

A career consists of all the jobs you have worked, regardless of whether they are associated with each other. You could spend decades working a job in the same department as one organization. Alternatively, you could work many seemingly unrelated jobs over your lifetime, such as greenskeeper, executive assistant and information technology specialist. They all define your career and can connect you with other opportunities you are passionate about. Think of jobs as the short-term duties that can help you achieve your long-term goals.

You learn from each job

Every job you take teaches you lessons you can apply to future jobs. You will also gain a variety of skills, knowledge and experiences. For instance, maybe your job as a retail clerk taught you how to handle difficult situations with tact. Your receptionist position may have taught you good communication and customer service skills. Other roles might help develop your writing skills, develop your ability to handle rejection or teach you the value of perseverance and hard work.

Jobs provide you with networking opportunities

With each job, you build a network and community of professional contacts. If you maintain a productive and professional relationship with all your colleagues and clients you can provide yourself with the ability to reach out to these connections throughout your career.

Hard work pays off

Your current job could affect your career in unexpected ways. For this reason, try to go beyond doing the bare minimum. A positive outlook, an eagerness to learn and consistently high-quality work can set you apart, create new opportunities and earn you recommendations for future jobs

