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Padma Bridge: A true game changer symbolising national pride

Sohel Rana
13 Jul 2022 00:02:58 | Update: 13 Jul 2022 00:02:58
Padma Bridge: A true game changer symbolising national pride

“Ihave not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas.” This remark about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by Cuba’s revolutionary leader Fidel Castro is still remembered across the world. 

Imitating the remarks by Castro, our nation also can speak proudly - we have not seen the Bosphorus Bridge crossing the Bosphorus strait, the Tower Bridge over the River Thames, or the Canakkale Bridge connecting Europe and Asia. But we have seen our Padma Bridge which is incomparable in many ways. We are proud of this marvel of architecture and engineering. We are honoured to have our footprint on it.

Once a foreign journalist asked Bangabandhu, “Your country is not affluent, how will you manage to develop this country?” Sheikh Mujib replied with utter confidence, “There is land and my people -and with that, I will build my country.”

In retrospect Bangabandhu was absolutely right on that day. If the people are united and self-confident, if they love their motherland, nothing will be too difficult to achieve. Padma Bridge is an exemplary achievement in this regard. The project of this magnitude is a result of people’s creativity, endurance, and perseverance and a reflection of the nation’s pride and courage.

Costing $3.86 billion, this massive structure is one of the largest projects Bangladesh has ever undertaken since its independence. And it is a combined effort of about 4,000 people, directly involved with the project. The project implementation unit consists of more than 100 local experts accompanied by quite a few from abroad. Particularly the Project Director (PD) Shafiqul Islam deserves special admiration who has led the team since 2011.

Another person to be remembered and paid respect on this occasion is Jamilur Reza Chowdhury. He acted as the chairman of the government’s panel of experts and was a vital part of this project from the very beginning. His contribution was incomparable in providing expert guidance and leadership. 

Anyone will be surprised if he/she stares at the engineering wonder, forgetting all previous facts like delays, political conflict, high costs, graft allegations, etc. Overcoming all the global pressure and domestic criticism, this mega structure becomes a unique symbol of the nation’s bravery, grit, and resilience. 

As Li Jiming, ambassador of China to Bangladesh said, “The Padma Bridge is a symbol of courage, determination, and prosperity”. 

Today, indeed, this bridge has uplifted our heads like a headstone of a newly victorious nation! It seems that the joy of independence has entered the nation’s life! This great achievement with own effort can be compared to the joy of Victory Day again!

As Gautam Lahiri, a senior journalist from Delhi wrote after returning from the inauguration ceremony: “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen how a bridge has stirred up the sentiments of the whole nation. ... It is like Bangladesh achieved Independence for the second time.”

In the Daily Times of Pakistan, Dr. Malika-e-Abida Khattak, an academic, researcher, and international analyst titled his article: “ Story of Bangladesh’s Padma Bridge: More Than Just A Bridge?!”

Once a distant dream for millions of people is now a reality. It means so much more than a mere bridge which has come true today due to the spontaneous participation of the masses.

Now we can proudly declare to the world that the Padma Bridge’s underwater piling extending 122 meters deep is a world record. At some points in the mighty Padma, the water flow volume ranks second globally only after the Amazon River.

‘There are bigger bridges in the world than the Padma Bridge, but there is no bridge on a river as big and as unpredictable as the Padma river,’ says Prof. M Shamim Z Boshunia, Chairman, Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project’s expert panel.

Saluting every person of Bangladesh who provided inspiration in the accomplishment of this long aspired and distant dream, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “People gave this money. My strength is embedded in the people’s belief. But, some skeptical people said we would always be beholden to others…...”.  So ‘this bridge is not a pile of brick and cement, it is a symbol of nation’s pride, honour and grit’, she added.

Yes, she got the mass people beside her because ‘democracy is a rule of the people, for the people and by the people’. So she has ‘no complaint against anyone anymore’. Indeed, forgiveness is the most important thing! There may be political differences. But the bridge belongs to everyone! Because the commoners financed this iconic bridge. 

In 2011 some agreements were signed with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), JICA, and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to finance the Padma Bridge project. Later, the World Bank along with other leading global financial agencies pulled out of the project following allegations of corruption involving a Canadian construction company linked to the bridge.

But ironically World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh, Mercy Tembon attending the inauguration ceremony of the Padma Bridge said, “The World Bank is happy that the bridge has been completed and we congratulate Bangladesh for completing the bridge.”

Mahfuz Anam, editor of The Daily Star, who often criticises Sheikh Hasina  also wrote in an editorial that “many countries make their own bridges and with their own resources” but this bridge is, in particular, a landmark step for Bangladesh, for “it breaks down forever our image of a country dependent on handouts.”

This bridge matters a lot to the nation in bringing about a revolutionary change in socio-economic conditions and the communications system. The bridge will be a direct doorway to the country’s poverty-stricken southwestern regions and significantly reduce travel time.

It will not only bridge the capital city directly with 21 south and southwestern parts but will also contribute a lot to the connectivity and trade among Asian countries through its link with the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway.

Mongla and Payra ports will be more operational and Benapole and Bhomra Land Port of Satkhira will be more efficient as well. It will add a huge dimension to the economy and social life and will play a role as a ‘game changer’ in the country’s economy.

“Undoubtedly, it will contribute significantly to the national GDP growth and will contribute to the inclusive development of the southwestern parts of Bangladesh”, said the Russian envoy in Dhaka while attending the inauguration ceremony.

The Russian ambassador also termed the Padma Bridge as ‘a true game changer’, creating multiple opportunities in terms of regional trade, investments, connectivity, employment, tourism, and many other fields.

The well-known economist Mustafizur Rahman said in an interview with VOA (Voice of America) that this megaproject will be ‘a great booster’ for Bangladesh’s economy and will help the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) grow by 1.3 per cent annually, and will increase jobs, service sector activities and tourism in the southwestern region. The southwestern region’s GDP will grow by 2.3 per cent.

In all aspects including education, and health, the southwestern areas lag behind compared to other parts of the country. They have been neglected for a long time. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), there are 133 upazilas in 21 districts on the other side of the Padma. If the business and trade expand, income will increase rapidly. This increase will result in poverty reduction.

According to another survey by the Planning Ministry in 2019, the income of the people around the bridge will increase by 16 to 20 per cent after the completion of the bridge. After the opening of this bridge, about 7 lac and 50 thousand people will be employed. The speed of reducing the poverty rate will increase by 0.84 per cent.

Many political analysts also consider this mega project as the most notable success of the Awami League led government in its three consecutive terms in office. This triumph may play the role of a ‘game changer’ for AL in the coming national election as well.

The writer is a freelance contributor. He can be contacted at [email protected]
