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Why digital literacy is more important than ever

Md. Morshedul Alam Mohabat
31 Dec 2021 00:00:00 | Update: 31 Dec 2021 05:41:44
Why digital literacy is more important than ever

According to information provided by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission  (BTRC), the total number of internet subscribers has reached 129.18 million at the end of October, 2021 whereas the number of mobile internet subscribers is 119.11 million at the moment. On the other hand, the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) has forecast that the number of smartphone users will keep increasing in the country. 41 per cent mobile phone users in the country had smartphones in 2020 and the penetration is poised to go further. In one of its projections, GSMA has predicted that 62 per cent of the mobile phone users in Bangladesh will have smartphones by 2025 and the penetration will increase to 69 per cent in Bangladesh in the near future. At a time when the country’s smartphone penetration and internet users are increasing at a commendable rate, it is vital that proper emphasis is put on digital literacy. If such a vast population with access to smartphones and internet are not educated in the right ways, it may result in unwarranted consequences in the long run and jeopardize the digital ambitions of the country.

We can easily get our heads around what could possibly go wrong if we look at some recent incidents happening in our country. There has been a huge backlash and uproar about the ways different social media platforms including instant messaging apps are being put to bad use and manipulation by crooked minds to pull wool over innocent people’s (especially women) eyes and cajole them into biting the bait. Every now and then, we see news items revealing malefactors’ ploys and details about how many gangs are carrying out different illicit activities people abusing different social media platforms or messaging apps. After these incidents, many have called for complete ban on these controversial apps and platforms. But, the solution, this writer believe, lies not in banning these, rather the discussion should be centered around making these apps all the more beneficial for the masses avoiding the pitfalls. Because the calculation is very simple – you cannot simply achieve the targets of Digital Bangladesh by putting a ban on modern technological amenities offered by these platforms or you cannot go ahead by taking a back step in this age of digitalization and tech revolution.

Instead of going against the tide, we have to embrace technology for greater benefits. There are many reasons behind this. Social media and instant messaging platforms are just mere facilitators of communication. In fact, these services have enabled people to communicate with each other not only within the borders, but from far corners of the world, at a much lesser cost and higher level of reliability compared to analogue modes of communication. Just consider the case of the rural people who communicate with their relatives living abroad through video-calling or instant messaging apps. These platforms have been a blessing for them. According to data given by manpower bureau, Bangladesh is one of the major labor-sending countries in the world and millions of Bangladeshi workers are employed in 173 countries. Family members of all these workers are enjoying benefits of technology (different apps) on a regular basis. So, what about them? What will happen to all these families if we impose a ban on such technological innovations?

Moreover, these apps have proved to be very beneficial and came handy during the pandemic. When there was strict lockdown underway in the country and people were discouraged from stepping out of their homes, these instant messaging apps have played significant roles by enabling communication. People were able to keep in contact with the help of these apps, which have helped boost their mental stability.

Considering all these positive aspects, it will not be a prudent step to back track, rather the right solution lies in educating the people and users about the pros and cons of technological innovations. This is where the role of digital literacy comes in. Just like hundreds of other inventions that come with both merits and demerits, technology has its own perils and benefits. Science is amoral, so you really cannot expect any technological invention to be perfect. This is what happens with all other inventions. While some countries are using nuclear energy for producing electricity to light up the houses, some other countries are cashing in on this energy to create weapons and threaten others. It all depends on our perspective of using any technology. That is why it is important that we talk about these issues and educate people about the dangers of abusing technology.

We have to realize the fact that our youth are tech-driven, so ensuring a safe online space for them is one of the vital tasks we have at hand. To that end, the government needs to step up its efforts and the action should begin by incorporating essays delineating the etiquettes of using internet or any technological innovations in the textbooks. When the users will be aware of the good and bad sides of using technology, it will be easier for them to make informed decisions and stay away from exploring dangerous or harmful things available on the internet. Meanwhile, family members will have to be more vigilant so that their children don’t get addicted to detrimental things. As parents, we need to keep an eye on them and if necessary, explore options related to parental control available in the browser settings to keep them on the right track. Technology is, of course, significant for our growth and we cannot really move forward without it. But, we have to learn to use it responsibly and to inculcate the sense of responsibility and digital literacy is now important more than ever in our context.


The writer is a communications professional. He can be contacted at [email protected]
