Jatiya Party MP Kazi Firoz Rashid on Sunday said politics has now become “a profession,” which used to be about passion.
“Earlier, politics was about passion, and now it has become a profession,” he said while participating in the discussion on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's proposal raised under Rule 147 on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the Jatiya Sangsad.
He said if anyone learns that a groom belongs to the ruling party, “they say Alhamdulillah.”
Firoz Rashid said politics is the only way to change the lives of the countrymen. “Now it has become a profession. Earlier, politics was about passion and people put their lives at risk.”
During the Pakistan era, he recalled, if a man was involved in politics, he did not get married as he would not get any job.
Firoz claimed that the House has many achievements along with weaknesses.
“To date, it is not able to form a commission (on Bangabandhu's murder)…because there was a major conspiracy behind the assassination of Bangabandhu. Dalim, Farooq, Rashid went and did it… it did not happen just like that. There was a conspiracy behind it, you did not figure it out.”
Pointing to Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon and Jasad President Hasanul Haque Inu, the Jatiya Party lawmaker said the names of extreme left and extreme right politicians cannot be uttered.
“Because all have boarded the boat. You [Awami League] will ride the boat. You are the captain of the boat. They are on the boat and asking ‘how far?’”
Firoz said the nation is now divided into two parts.
“There is no neutral person. Teachers, doctors, intellectuals, journalists are all divided. The entire country is now divided into two parts,” he said.
He also claimed that businessmen belonging to BNP got the most business during this period.