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ISPR release clarifies St Martin’s situation, provides reassurance 

Staff Correspondent
16 Jun 2024 21:54:54 | Update: 16 Jun 2024 21:54:54
ISPR release clarifies St Martin’s situation, provides reassurance 
Several ships of the Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard are conducting regular patrols alongside Bangladesh's maritime border — ISPR Photo

The Myanmar military is conducting joint operations against the Arakan Army in Rakhine State as part of an ongoing internal conflict in the country.

Due to fighting between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army, there are incidents of unintended firing on Bangladeshi vessels in the Naf River and the estuary area adjacent to the river.

Under such circumstances, Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep concerns and submitted protests on June 12.

The Myanmar Navy is now targeting Arakan Army positions in the direction of Myanmar, located in that country's territorial waters near Saint Martin's Island, and along the Myanmar border near the Naf River. 

The Arakan Army is also firing back at Myanmar Navy ships and boats, reads an ISPR press release issued Sunday.

Currently, several warships of the Myanmar Navy are conducting operations along the Myanmar border. The Myanmar Navy is also informing the Bangladesh Navy of its position in Myanmar's territorial waters near Saint Martin's Island. 

It should be noted that the internal conflict in Myanmar is ongoing in the mainland and adjacent coastal areas. 

Moreover, several ships of the Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard are conducting regular patrols alongside Bangladesh's maritime border, and monitoring the movement of Myanmar ships near Saint Martin's Island.

As Myanmar's ongoing internal conflict is close to Saint Martin's island, rumours are being spread by various vested quarters on social media about the security of the island. The release requested everyone not to be misled by such rumours.
