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SAAF's lifesaving contribution to Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute

Staff Correspondent
27 Jun 2024 20:20:53 | Update: 27 Jun 2024 20:20:53
SAAF's lifesaving contribution to Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute
— Courtesy Photo

The Suhana & Anis Ahmed Foundation (SAAF) continues to light up lives in Bangladesh, driven by a vision born in 2009 to support underprivileged children. Founded by Suhana and Anis Ahmed, SAAF has remained steadfast in its mission to empower young Bangladeshi souls.

Recently, SAAF extended a lifeline by collaborating with the SAARC Women Association (SWA), reads a press release.

Lighting up lives and fostering hope, SAAF's provision of a Bubble CPAP Machine and an LED Phototherapy Unit to Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute highlights its commitment to child healthcare.

Together, as the tailwinds of lives, we can ensure every child has the chance to thrive. These machines are crucial in providing respiratory support and treating jaundice in newborns, offering hope and healing to many families.

The equipment was handed over to Prof Dr Md Jahangir Alam, Director of Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute. He expressed his deep appreciation to the Suhana & Anis Ahmed Foundation and conveyed his desire to continue and strengthen their support and partnership.

"Suhana & Anis Ahmed Foundation is honored to support Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute with the essential equipment needed to save lives and improve care," said Anis Ahmed, Founder of SAAF.

"We are deeply committed to the communities we serve and look forward to continuing our mission of empowering the next generation of Bangladeshis."

Looking towards the horizon, SAAF is eager to deepen its roots within the communities, continuously striving to uplift and support the youth of Bangladesh. With each step, SAAF reaffirms its dedication to fostering a brighter, healthier future for all.
