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BUTEX observes half-day strike against Prottoy scheme

TBP Online
03 Jul 2024 18:25:53 | Update: 03 Jul 2024 18:25:53
BUTEX observes half-day strike against Prottoy scheme

The Bangladesh Textile University (BUTEX) has observed a half-day strike and staged a sit-in programme demanding exclusion of public universities from Prottoy – under Universal Pension Scheme.

On Tuesday, they observed a work abstention from 9am to 1pm and also a sit-in programme at the university’s auditorium from 10am to 12pm.

University employees attending the demonstration said, “Inclusion of public universities in the Prottoy pension scheme will deter talented people from becoming teachers or employees at such universities.

This will result in brain drain within the university system and the nation will suffer.

The strike will persist until our stipulated demands are addressed, they said.
