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Botanical Garden entry fee hiked fivefold

Staff Correspondent
04 Jul 2024 17:41:06 | Update: 04 Jul 2024 19:41:37
Botanical Garden entry fee hiked fivefold
— File Photo of Padma Pukur at the National Botanical Garden

The entry fee for National Botanical Garden at Mirpur near the Dhaka Zoo has increased fivefold from Tk 20 to Tk 100. Additionally, while there was previously no fee for physical exercise, a new fee of Tk 500 has been introduced.

The new fee structure will be effective on Thursday.

A notification issued by the Ministry's Forest Division-1 on April 21 detailed the changes. According to the notification, the entry fee will be Tk 100 per person for those aged 12 and above.

For children under 12, the entry fee is Tk 50, and the fee for physical exercise is Tk 500.

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) Acting President Khandaker Bazlul Haque and General Secretary Alamgir Kabir have jointly issued a statement opposing the fee increase.

Khandaker Bazlul Haque stated, “BAPA is concerned that the entry fee for the National Botanical Garden in Mirpur has increased fivefold in one go. In Dhaka, the places for common people to visit are decreasing day by day.

“Children cannot see plants and greenery; increasing the fee at such a high rate will hinder the development of children. We consider the decision to increase the fee inappropriate and unreasonable.”

“We demand a prompt reversal of the fee increase and call for the parks and playgrounds across the country, including those in Dhaka, to remain open and accessible to the general public.”
