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Optic device mimics human retina

25 Sep 2021 00:00:00 | Update: 25 Sep 2021 00:12:07
Optic device mimics human retina

If our artificial intelligence is able to think like a human brain, why do we feed it data like a normal computer? Scientists are addressing this question by considering the sensory input we receive and have developed an optical device inspired by the workings of the human eye. Researchers in Oregon published their research on optical sensors, which could make robotic components far more efficient.

Using ultrathin layers of photosensitive perovskite material, normally adopted in solar cells, this device adapts its signals as it senses different intensities of light. Perovskites are chemical materials, composed of metal atoms carrying positive charges and oxygen or halide anions, carrying negative charges which layer into an interesting lattice.

Unlike solar cells, the devices created do not store and use the light provided as energy, but instead respond to changes illumination. In doing so, these new ‘retinomorphic’ sensors send signals to process the image in front of them based on the changes in light.

Dr John Labram, Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computing Engineering, was initially inspired by a biology lecture he played in the background, which detailed how the human brain and eyes work. Our eyes have photo-receptors which are sensitive to changes in the light, but less responsive to constant illumination. From this, he started sketching potential devices to mimic the processing behaviour of these photo-receptors in our eyes.

Such changes are often associated with motion, making this an incredibly important development for the field of artificial intelligence. Looking out across a beach, our eyes are drawn to the changes like a huge, curling wave or a seagull swooping down to steal our chips. By prioritising information in this way, it takes less time for us to interpret our surroundings.

For artificial intelligence, this translates to simpler, more efficient processing at the visual input level, meaning AI systems could bring together different types of information much quicker than they currently do.

Science Focus
