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Pakistani Humza Yousaf set to become first minister of Scotland

TBP Online
28 Mar 2023 10:53:29 | Update: 28 Mar 2023 12:26:12
Pakistani Humza Yousaf set to become first minister of Scotland
— Courtesy/ Twitter

Humza Yousaf has become the first Pakistani Muslim to be elected as the new leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and will assume charge as the first minister to replace Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday.

The first minister of Scotland is the head of the Scottish Government and keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland. The first minister chairs the Scottish Cabinet and is primarily responsible for the formulation, development, and presentation of Scottish Government policy, reports Daily Pakistan.

The 37-year-old is also the first ethnic minority head of Scotland’s government. He has promised to continue the socially liberal policies of Sturgeon.

Yousaf, who had served as health minister, received 48.2 per cent of the first preferences of the almost 51,000 SNP members who voted in the leadership ballot that closed at noon on Monday.

Humza Yusuf became a member of the Scottish Parliament for the first time in 2011 at the age of 26. He has also served as Minister of Transport and Minister of Justice in the Scottish Cabinet.

Hamza Yusuf's father, Muzaffar Yousaf belongs to the town of Mian Channu in Pakistan’s Punjab province.


